The Book Palace, (1000 pieces)

The Book Palace, (1000 pieces)

RRP: £14.99
Now £11.45(SAVE 23%)
RRP £14.99
Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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Bookshops come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, dark and mysterious; places to find first editions and hidden treasures. Others are serious, focusing on academic works and textbooks. But this one contains all things bright and beautiful. Light shines through the pitched glass roof and stained glass ceiling lights onto the curved staircase and colourful ground floor. Customer…
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Bookshops come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, dark and mysterious; places to find first editions and hidden treasures. Others are serious, focusing on academic works and textbooks. But this one contains all things bright and beautiful. Light shines through the pitched glass roof and stained glass ceiling lights onto the curved staircase and colourful ground floor. Customers can relax in the lush pink chairs whilst considering their next purchase or choosing a pretty greetings card; they may also be tempted to wander into the garden beyond . The resident cats look like they are awaiting the first visitors of the day! What a great place to visit, relax and discover a world of books. Take a break from everyday pressures and enjoy some quiet, mindful moments as you assemble this fabulous puzzle. Includes full colour in-box leaflet with extra puzzle picture for easy reference and artist information. Our 1000 piece jigsaws are crafted with FSC premium quality and measure 70 x 50cm when complete. Great for Adults and ideal puzzles for Children 12 years old and up. Fully complies with all necessary UK and EU testing standards.