American Civil War Zouaves

American Civil War Zouaves

RRP: £22.00
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RRP £22.00
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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A fabulous plastic boxed sets from Alan Perry featuring the Zouaves, the exotically clothed and wildly hirsute show offs of the North and South! The box has 42 spirited men dressed in their best baggy trousers and fezzes worn in imitation of the French Colonial troops who had established a reputation for dash and glory in closing with the bayonet,and can be used for regiments from b…
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A fabulous plastic boxed sets from Alan Perry featuring the Zouaves, the exotically clothed and wildly hirsute show offs of the North and South! The box has 42 spirited men dressed in their best baggy trousers and fezzes worn in imitation of the French Colonial troops who had established a reputation for dash and glory in closing with the bayonet,and can be used for regiments from both sides.