Cavalry of the Sun King

Cavalry of the Sun King

RRP: £25.00
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Some cavalry units used their modern tactics but others stuck to their traditional methods, such as the Duke of Marlborough’s cavalry, they were ordered to charge headlong with swords drawn to maximise the shock of impact. Within this boxed set you will find all the parts necessary to recreate many of the cavalry squadrons that fought for Louis XIV. Each box is designed to a…
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Category Tags , SKU ZWAG-302015005 Availability 3+ in stock
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Some cavalry units used their modern tactics but others stuck to their traditional methods, such as the Duke of Marlborough's cavalry, they were ordered to charge headlong with swords drawn to maximise the shock of impact.

Within this boxed set you will find all the parts necessary to recreate many of the cavalry squadrons that fought for Louis XIV. Each box is designed to allow you to create a 12-strong squadron, consisting of nine cavalrymen, one standard bearer, one bugler and one officer.

The variety of heads and bodies allow you to re-create numerous cavalry types, as well as allowing you to personalise your army and make each unit unique.