Rush to Recycle

Rush to Recycle

RRP: £14.00
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Be the first to sort your recyclables before the truck arrives for pickup! CONTENTS 1 illustrated gameboard 50 object cards 1 wooden die 5 recycling boxes 1 wooden game piece SET UP: Assemble the recycling boxes and place them at the top of the gameboard. Place the recycling truck at the START of the game path. Shuffle the object cards and distribute them evenly to all players. HOW …
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Category Tags , SKU ZABRAMS-0810073340565 Availability 3+ in stock
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Be the first to sort your recyclables before the truck arrives for pickup!

1 illustrated gameboard
50 object cards
1 wooden die
5 recycling boxes
1 wooden game piece

Assemble the recycling boxes and place them at the top of the gameboard. Place the recycling truck at the START of the game path. Shuffle the object cards and distribute them evenly to all players.

The youngest player goes first, rolling the die. The color the player lands on determines which item they can recycle. For example: player rolls yellow. The player then needs to look at their cards to see if they have a yellow "glass" card to put in the yellow "glass" recycling box. They may place one card into the recycling box. If they do not have a card that matches the color on the die, they lose their turn. Play passes to the next player.

If a player rolls the die and it lands on the recycling icon (INSERT IMAGE OF ICON HERE), they need to move the recycling truck forward one space on the gameboard. The first player to sort all their recycling cards into the recycling boxes before the truck arrives at the END space, wins the game!

Instead of distributing the object cards among the players, work together to sort them all. Take turns rolling the die and sorting the cards.

6.7in x 6.7in x 2.8in;
17cm x 17cm x 7cm

No plastic in packaging or transit