No Straight Lines (Paperback)

No Straight Lines (Paperback)

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Queer cartooning encompasses some of the best and most interesting comics of the last four decades, with creators tackling complex issues of identity and a changing society with intelligence, humour and imagination. This groundbreaking new collection celebrates a vibrant artistic underground by gathering together a collection of excellent stories that can be enjoyed by everyone. Amo…
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Queer cartooning encompasses some of the best and most interesting comics of the last four decades, with creators tackling complex issues of identity and a changing society with intelligence, humour and imagination. This groundbreaking new collection celebrates a vibrant artistic underground by gathering together a collection of excellent stories that can be enjoyed by everyone. Among the stellar list of contributors is Alison Bechdal, Howard Cruse, Ralf Koenig, Robert Kirby, Wojnarowicz and Dan Savage.