Captain Britain Omnibus (Hardback)

Captain Britain Omnibus (Hardback)

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Follow the United Kingdom’s greatest champion from the streets of London to the mystic realm of Otherworld! Brian Braddock, hand-picked for greatness by the sorcerer Merlyn, has made the fateful choice between the sword of might and the amulet of right – and become a hero! Now, thrill to a complete collection of Captain Britain’s iconic UK adventures – from q…
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Follow the United Kingdom's greatest champion from the streets of London to the mystic realm of Otherworld! Brian Braddock, hand-picked for greatness by the sorcerer Merlyn, has made the fateful choice between the sword of might and the amulet of right - and become a hero! Now, thrill to a complete collection of Captain Britain's iconic UK adventures - from questing alongside the Black Knight, to battling Jim Jaspers and the Fury to prevent Earth from becoming a crooked world! But when Brian suffers a crisis of faith, will his sister Betsy inherit the mantle? Featuring the Special Executive, the Warpies, the Captain Britain Corps, Meggan and more! Collecting: Material from Captain Britain (1976) 1-39; Super Spider-Man & Captain Britain (1977) 231-247; Hulk Comic (1979) 1, 3-46; Incredible Hulk Weekly (1980) 47-55, 57-63; Marvel Super-Heroes (1972) 377-388; Daredevils (1983) 1-11; Mighty World of Marvel (1983) 7-16; Captain Britain (1985) 1-14; Marvel Tales (1964) 131-133; Marvel Team-