Pie Face

Pie Face

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Pie Face is fantastically exciting and fun-filledE just load the throwing arm with delicious squirty cream or a wet sponge and wait for the tension to build! You must hold your nerver and keep your fingers crossed – because this is one game where you don’t want to end up splat on your face! Suitable for ages 4 years + Safety Information: Warning. Not suitable for Childre…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZWD-B7063 Availability Out of stock
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Pie Face is fantastically exciting and fun-filled, just load the throwing arm with delicious squirty cream or a wet sponge and wait for the tension to build! You must hold your nerve and keep your fingers crossed - because this is one game where you don't want to end up splat on your face! Suitable for ages 4 years + Safety Information: Warning. Not suitable for Children under 3 years.


Pie Face is fantastically exciting and fun-filled, just load the throwing arm with delicious squirty cream or a wet sponge and wait for the tension to build! You must hold your nerve and keep your fingers crossed - because this is one game where you don't want to end up splat on your face! Suitable for ages 4 years + Safety Information: Warning. Not suitable for Children under 3 years.