Marvel Crisis Protocol: Dormammu Ultimate Encounter

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Dormammu Ultimate Encounter

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The Dark Dimension is a lonely, empty place on the edge of all universes. The space between dark and light, completely blank. Blank, that is, except for Dormammu, who would really quite like for everywhere to be just like it. One of the biggest bads in Marvel, Dormammu is a Faltine, an energy-based being who normally just chill out and get big. Dormammu and his sister, Umar, however…
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The Dark Dimension is a lonely, empty place on the edge of all universes. The space between dark and light, completely blank. Blank, that is, except for Dormammu, who would really quite like for everywhere to be just like it. One of the biggest bads in Marvel, Dormammu is a Faltine, an energy-based being who normally just chill out and get big. Dormammu and his sister, Umar, however, wanted physical form. To get this, they killed their father and were cast out. Dormammu then became the enemy for countless Marvel heroes and villains, but most famously Doctor Strange, Baron Mordo and Gwenpool.

Ingame, Dormammu is an imposing force. The only member of the Dark Dimension alliance, he has the ability to work with any unit in the game and bring them into the Dark Dimension under his control. He towers over the other characters in the game, both with his 8 threat and his size. The model is huge! Dorm can also push people away for every attack made on him, and deals extra damage when the opponent messes up defending!

This product requires the Marvel Crisis Protocol Base Set to play.