The Art of Immortals: Fenyx Rising

The Art of Immortals: Fenyx Rising

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Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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The creative team of Ubisoft Quebec presents a fantastical world based on mythological tales, rife with creatures such as bestial minotaur, gigantic cyclops, evil chimera, ferocious harpies, and the terrifying Medusa. This volume offers an inside look at the craft behind that massive and magical land, wherein readers will find themselves taking part in a heroic journey that spans th…
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Category SKU ZTP-9781506719740 Availability Backorder
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The creative team of Ubisoft Quebec presents a fantastical world based on mythological tales, rife with creatures such as bestial minotaur, gigantic cyclops, evil chimera, ferocious harpies, and the terrifying Medusa. This volume offers an inside look at the craft behind that massive and magical land, wherein readers will find themselves taking part in a heroic journey that spans the lush paradisiacal lands of Aphrodite the goddess of love, through the scarred battlefield and fortress of Ares the god of war, up Mount Olympus home of the mighty Zeus, down into the darkest corners of the underworld. and much more!