The Art of Wolfenstein: Youngblood

The Art of Wolfenstein: Youngblood

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It’s do or die in the dystopian streets of Nazi-occupied Paris as Jess and Soph Blazkowicz piece together the mysterious disappearance of their father, William J. Blazkowicz, while driving the fascists out of France once and for all. This gorgeous volume features an amazing arsenal of concept art, production material, and exclusive creator commentary from the latest romp into …
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It's do or die in the dystopian streets of Nazi-occupied Paris as Jess and Soph Blazkowicz piece together the mysterious disappearance of their father, William J. Blazkowicz, while driving the fascists out of France once and for all. This gorgeous volume features an amazing arsenal of concept art, production material, and exclusive creator commentary from the latest romp into Earth's alternate history with Wolfenstein: Youngblood.