The Art of We Happy Few

The Art of We Happy Few

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October, 1964. The City of Wellington Wells is all that’s left of England after the German invasion and occupation. But it’s still the swinging ’60s, and everyone is fab, especially because they’re taking happy pills – Joy – and wearing Happy Face masks so they’re always smiling… everyone except the awful Downers who refuse to take the…
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October, 1964. The City of Wellington Wells is all that's left of England after the German invasion and occupation. But it's still the swinging '60s, and everyone is fab, especially because they're taking happy pills - Joy - and wearing Happy Face masks so they're always smiling... everyone except the awful Downers who refuse to take their Joy. Dark Horse Books and Compulsion Games are thrilled to present The Art of We Happy Few. Showcasing a unique retro-futuristic style, this book includes hundreds of pieces of concept art, paired with exclusive commentary from the team that created it!