The Authority Book Two

The Authority Book Two

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The Authority are heroes in only the strictest sense of the word. Ruthless and unforgiving, the group of insanely powerful superhumans face down countless menaces to Earth, protecting humankind with their cold version of justice. Following the death of Jenny Sparks at the end of the 20th century, the Authority is now under the leadership of Jack Hawksmoor, who is no less brutal than…
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The Authority are heroes in only the strictest sense of the word. Ruthless and unforgiving, the group of insanely powerful superhumans face down countless menaces to Earth, protecting humankind with their cold version of justice.
Following the death of Jenny Sparks at the end of the 20th century, the Authority is now under the leadership of Jack Hawksmoor, who is no less brutal than his predecessor. But with a new leader and new century also come new foes, such as a mad scientist intent on shaping the 21st century to his own whims, a former Doctor gone rogue who always seems to be one step ahead of the team, and a twisted mirror image of the Authority sanctioned by the G7 nations. With the odds stacked against them, will the Authority finally fall?
Not without putting up one helluva fight.
Join writer MARK MILLAR (Kick-Ass) and artists FRANK QUITELY (All-Star Superman), DUSTIN NGUYEN (Descender), and ARTHUR ADAMS (Monkeyman and O'Brien) as they wrap up the Authority saga not with a whimper, but a bang. The Authority Book Two collects the uncensored The Authority #13-29, The Authority Annual 2000 #1, and stories from WildStorm Summer Special #1, plus a bonus gallery of behind-the-scenes extras.