Phoolan Devi: Rebel Queen (Hardback)

Phoolan Devi: Rebel Queen (Hardback)

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Phoolan Devi rebelled against the ancient caste rules of India, her country, resulting in her becoming a Robin Hood type bandit. Essentially sold at the age of 11 to become a wife for a much older man, she ran away when he raped her. From that point on, there were few choices for her but to join a roaming gang of bandits, her ambition leading her to become their rebel chief. Ultimat…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781681122519 Availability 3+ in stock
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Phoolan Devi rebelled against the ancient caste rules of India, her country, resulting in her becoming a Robin Hood type bandit. Essentially sold at the age of 11 to become a wife for a much older man, she ran away when he raped her. From that point on, there were few choices for her but to join a roaming gang of bandits, her ambition leading her to become their rebel chief. Ultimately, she became a strong voice for change as a representative in the nascent Indian parliament. A story of courage and unbending determination in front of centuries of established inequities in the classic Indian caste system.