Treasury of Victorian Murder #2 (Hardback)

Treasury of Victorian Murder #2 (Hardback)

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Geary explores the ghastliest and most famous murders of Victorian England. Geary has researched the subject extensively and presents, with his own inimitable tongue-in-cheek style, the Jack The Ripper mystery as told through a journal of a fascinated Englishman of the day. Both factual and darkly funny, Geary shines an ironic light on the repressive society that spawned such a mons…
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Geary explores the ghastliest and most famous murders of Victorian England. Geary has researched the subject extensively and presents, with his own inimitable tongue-in-cheek style, the Jack The Ripper mystery as told through a journal of a fascinated Englishman of the day. Both factual and darkly funny, Geary shines an ironic light on the repressive society that spawned such a monster and its hypocritical reaction to it.