Asylum of Horrors, The No.1 (Paperback)

Asylum of Horrors, The No.1 (Paperback)

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Plenty of creep, gore and twists are contained in this grisly 13-story anthology, written by some of the best horror comics writers in the industry. In 'Human Growth Hormone' by Frank Forte, a geek's love for a girl drives him to desperate measures. 'The Last Line' explores a man's bizarre train ride and Kevin Colden conjures up a Satanic yarn of death. Other tales include: 'Love or…
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Plenty of creep, gore and twists are contained in this grisly 13-story anthology, written by some of the best horror comics writers in the industry. In 'Human Growth Hormone' by Frank Forte, a geek's love for a girl drives him to desperate measures. 'The Last Line' explores a man's bizarre train ride and Kevin Colden conjures up a Satanic yarn of death. Other tales include: 'Love or Obsession' by Kudranski, 'Madness' a Lovecraftian horror tale, 'The Parts' by Sekuloski and 'Ruined Earth-Carnigor', an apocalyptic zombie tale by Billy George.