Newuniversal: Everything Went White (Paperback)

Newuniversal: Everything Went White (Paperback)

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Planet Earth. Inhabited by six billion people. People leading ordinary lives, coping with everyday struggles. But on a night like any other, the Earth is rocked by the most startling celestial event ever witnessed by the human race. The White Event. And from its wake, a handful of humans emerge as something more. Acclaimed writer Warren Ellis (Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.) and super…
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Planet Earth. Inhabited by six billion people. People leading ordinary lives, coping with everyday struggles. But on a night like any other, the Earth is rocked by the most startling celestial event ever witnessed by the human race. The White Event. And from its wake, a handful of humans emerge as something more. Acclaimed writer Warren Ellis (Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.) and superstar artist Salvador Larroca (X-Men) bring you this new universe - a universe witnessing superhuman power for the first time.